Tangled twilight manes Eyes which speak of each star’s birth Hope’s mightiest steeds
Tangled twilight manes Eyes which speak of each star’s birth Hope’s mightiest steeds
He does love his mum
But she’s got a cruel tongue
And she hit him too hard
She hurt him physically
Along with his dignity
The punishment
Too harsh for the crime
He’s not forgotten
But has partially forgiven
Easier to forgive
As the years roll by
But from time to time
The inner child cries
Why me, why not the others
How come I got
The worst of our mother
Not all mums are angels
Some are just strangers
At home
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The Cheshire Cat
And the Mad Hatter
Got together
For a jolly good natter
One took the ladder
The other floated
The Cat wearing
His famous grin
Politely enquired
“Shall we go in?”
“No, no,” cried the hatter
“Surely you must know
That’s not what doors are for”
29 October 2018
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