Month: August 2018
Airports, throngs of folk
Each in their own little world
Traversing our globe
Not Planning
I’m not intending to spend my time
Planning the perfect crime
My attention to dtail is minmal
The worry and strife
Of a criminal life
Makes it just not right for me
28 August 2018
Spirits flying high
Undercurrent of fear
Knowing the fall
Must be near
That it will be swift
And the destination
25 August 2018
Mindful following
The recipe
Careful measuring
Push the button
For the size
One for the colour
Fingers to calculate
The number of hours
‘Til bread was needed
Next morning, Myka
Calls out “oh no”
Which button did I not press
The one with ON on
Tiny But Mighty
Stealthy ninja demons
Are gathering
Just out of sight
Of his mind
He senses them
Preparing to pounce
On any exhausted
Anxious self-doubt
They are tiny
But mighty
Fighting their way through
Hairline cracks
In his carefully crafted
Mental defences
The Vampire and the Sun
Pale vampiric face
Gazing at the bright sun’s rays
Missing ancient times
Guilt and Fear
Guilt and fear
Frustration and tears
Gush out of the well
At last
I’m a thief he yelled
I’ve stolen your life
You’ve sacrificed
So much for me
She smiles into his eyes
You’ve supported me
With my hopes
And my dreams
Where would I be
Without you?
Do you ever
Suddenly realise
You’ve been holding
Your breath for days?
When you eventually
Breathe out
With blessed relief
And see things
Through different eyes.
2 August 2018
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