The weight of her
Crushes her bones
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Home of silver-clad gods
Turned to stone
As far as the eye can see
Glacier Point Yosemite
Took us close to tears
And struggling to breathe
Almost unbearable beauty
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She lay in her bed and cried
For all of her dreams that had died
What she didn’t know then
Is that this created the space
In which her new dreams could grow
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Millions of tiny blinding sparks of light
Showering down around her
As she painstakingly tries to weld the shards
Of his broken heart back together
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I was having a bad time
In my well of self-doubt
When along came Myka
With love in that smile
And a ladder
To help get me out
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Plaintive owl cries
Have unnerved him
Awakened something
Hidden deep within
Tugging at something
He’d forgotten somehow
Or something he
Doesn’t yet know
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We have a shiny red kettle
With a shiny silver lid
Being a bit clumsy yesterday
Hurrying to put on said lid
I quite dramatically missed
It skidded down my finger
Taking my valued skin with it
Just to make matters worse
Only as I was stemming
The bleeding
Did I start reading
The calendar just above it
With the incorrect ill-timed words
“Any day is much better
Once you’ve put the kettle on”
July 2018
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Profoundly lonely
Since losing his beautiful bride
He needs to go down to the sea
It provides him constancy
That missing heartbeat
Of his own dear Constance by his side
May 2018
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Thunder clouds gather
Along their shared horizon
Threatening their dreams
July 2018
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From gentle ripples
To thunderous roaring waves
The moods of the sea
Seeping into DNA
Soundtrack soothing hearts and souls
May 2018
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I sit on the moon
Just to hear the tune she sings
Silver lullaby
9 July 2018
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Which persona
Are you using
Right now?
She used to deny
To herself
Quite loudly
That she owned more
Than one
But time spent
With her siblings
Brings out
Sulky petulance
With certain
In-laws the
Mischievous elf
With authority
The rebel
With parents
The patient saint
Manifests briefly
The schemingly mean
In the depths
Of revengeful
July 2018
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