Month: June 2018
Spending so much time
Trying to find the pieces
To construct the whole
June 2018
In Days Of Yore
In days of yore
When far from home
Romantics would carry
Close to their heart
A lock of their
Beloved’s hair
A rogue tear
To ensure
No more
Would be shed
And to never
Feel alone
We all store
Our love’s photos
On our phones
27 June 2018
Are the lines drawn
In the same sand
As the sand that has
The flags in
Do the lines in
Our faces
Show how much
We’ve laughed
And how often
We’ve sinned
The lines that
We’ve crossed
The loved ones
We’ve lost
And the worries
Of living each day
We have crossed lines
And lay lines
Battle lines, deadlines
And lines that we say,
Like a habit,
Day after day
The lines of a song
That stay with
Us forever
Even if we
Misheard them
And sing them
All wrong
The lines of a poem
That once touched
Your soul
That now you find
You can’t
Quite recall
But the feeling
They gave you
Lives on and on
25 June 2018
By her too-high
Hopes again
She wasn’t aiming
For the skies
Or the stars
Or the moon
At the top
Of the trees
Or the vertiginous
High notes
Of a tune
Just for a sprinkle
More energy
A whisper less sleep
To help her spirits
Climb up
From the deep
23 June 2018
He Carries
He carries notepaper, quill
Grudges and guilt
Pocketfuls of purple,
Compassion and hope
20 June 2018
Cruising the town
In bruised
Tattered cars
Music so loud
Bass so low
Top floor windows
Are they song birds
Singing for a mate
Or contenders
For urban king
Hinting at their size
Fickle Winds of Fate
Fickle winds of fate
Blowing us like tumbleweed
Along life’s highways
May 2018
I don’t really know
What a shakedown is
Or where I’d go
To get one
Is it something you buy
Or something to try
Do you see it
Reveal it
Or feel it
Drink it or think it
Do you do it
Or have it done
Or is life better
Without one
12 June 2018
She would dearly love
Something she has yet to find
A toolkit for life
14 June 2018
An afternoon game of dominoes
A hand in hand evening stroll
By the still, mirror-like sea
Gently tending to each other’s needs
Thro’ decades of their shared history
Love still shining brightly
As they approach their nineties
Pondering on
A perfect world
All metaphorical
Blue skies and sunshine
Everyone always
Getting along
We may need
An irritant
A little pain
Something about which
To always complain
After all
You need the grit
To make the pearl
Holiday Chat
You’re all I ever need
He said
I just want you
And our love
So when going
Away for a short
How come he needed
His ipad, his ipod
His phone and his Kindle
Was addicted to
And Twitter
The one person
He wouldn’t
Sit down and chat to
….was her
26 May 2018
Paper Heart
Write your name
On my paper heart
Newspaper boats on a lake
Fake news
My paper heart breaks
22 December 2017 Read More…